How to Get the Perfect Selfie

perfect selfie image of camera phone


Summer is made for sun, surf…and selfies! Here are a few tricks to help you take the best shots.

Natural Light

The sun’s soft rays in the morning or late afternoon provide the best lighting – they give you a natural, flattering glow. Pose near a window to use the light to your advantage and you’ll be golden. If you are outdoors, make sure the sun is behind you for a mesmerizing halo effect.

Angles are everything

Know your best angles. Don’t face the camera straight-on, turn slightly to the side and tilt your chin down just a bit. Then hold the camera just above you so it is subtly pointing downwards for a super flattering viewpoint.

Smile with confidence

When you smile or smize (smile with your eyes), the one thing you want is your confidence to shine through. You can use a filter to create a dreamy effect. If you still don’t love what you see, you can always turn to science for some extra help.

Dermal fillers like Juvéderm® can add plumpness to lips or cheeks. Botox can erase unwanted lines. BroadBand Light™ Therapy can brighten the entire face for a flawless finish.

So practice a pose, check the lighting and click away. Selfies are about self-love. Get ready for your close-up!

This article is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice nor is it a substitute for medical advice.